Bridge with Made in Japan, Effortlessly

Japan Consulting Inc. breaks new ground in export consulting – we place our customers at the center of our focus. We understand the complex challenges that dot your path towards global expansion and apply our best minds to cruise you through them. Businesses require certainty and stability to prosper.

This precisely is what we aim to achieve through our work philosophy of shared wellbeing and prosperity. In order to do so, we make our services


professionals with a human touch

Japan Consulting Inc. is committed to comprehensive Foreign Sales Agency Services in your quest to take the best of Japan to the world. With dedicated staff spread across 20 countries in North America, Latin America, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, we bring peace of mind to your export operations.

Globalization presents immense opportunities for exports. Language barriers, information gaps, and competition from large and established market players form the pitfalls. With customized and efficient services, we cut across these roadblocks to launch your global connection.

Services we provide are an extension of our business philosophy to work for shared wellbeing and prosperity of all the stakeholders through research and understanding, action based on such insight, and consistent evaluation of our actions. We offer:

  • Research of the market and the features of your product to recognize its market potential. We identify market conditions such as requirements of various customer segments, demand dynamics, price considerations, and competition in order to define the market needs that your product will serve
  • Marketing and Sales Promotion operationsare based on the features of your product and the market conditions. These include:
    • Web Content Translation defines the usefulness of your products in a language that customers understand. Remember, your website is your 24x7 global business card of the 21st century
    • Sales Planning to benefit from the prevalent market conditions and the special features of your product while minimizing risks
    • Buyer Negotiations ensure a fair deal for your products and prevent you from losing out due to lack of local knowledge
    • Product Introduction & Delivery is the critical part of the success of any product. Our best minds cross this entry barrier for you
    • Customer Support & Customer Relations let you establish and maintain exceptional customer service standards for building and maintaining your brand
    • Payment Recovery puts your mind to rest regarding the riskiest part of any export enterprise
  • Warehouse Services maintain a steady stock of products and help you profit from changing market conditions while minimizing the hazards
  • Export Procedures and Shipping to simplify compliance with complex international regulations and for quick, inexpensive, and low-risk international transport

Together, we can take the best of Japan to all corners of this planet. With us, no bridge from Japan is a bridge too far. Come, feel the difference.